As of 6:19pm 20th March 2020.
We have some very important information for every church member to know.
In light of the governments new regulations that came out today regarding indoor gatherings, people must be separated by at least two metres with a four metre square radius per person, so we have had to make some last minute changes from this Sunday onwards until the regulations are lifted.
Here are three points to remember:
(1) We are changing our Sunday Services plan and go to on-line church only straight away starting this Sunday the 22nd of March for both City Church Nowra and City Church Macarthur. There will be no public gatherings, and all services will be on line. We encourage you to watch City Church on-line every Sunday at either 8:30am, 10:15am or 5:30pm. We would love as many as are comfortable with this to have online Connect Groups on a Sunday during church times and watch church together.
(2) Please email your latest personal details to or call the church office during the week to let us know on (02) 4421 4602. Our Demographic Pastors and Connect Group Leaders will be keeping in regular touch with you, so we really need to make sure we have your most up to date details, as communication will be vital to our whole church community at this time. thank you.
(3) We encourage all church members to still give their weekly tithes & offerings online. You can easily give by following the giving link in our church’s website, which is and then choosing either the Nowra or Macarthur location options. This is a great opportunity to lean into God and trust him as well as help your church family through this unique season. You can ask your Demographic Pastor, Connect group leader or the church office if you need help to do this.
Finally this was not an easy decision and we apologise for any inconvenience with these last minute changes but Michelle and I felt it was a necessary one that had to be made. We highly value the elderly and vulnerable in our church and in our community and that has been weighing on our hearts as Pastors whilst still completely believing that Jesus is our healer and protector. Know that we appreciate and love you all.
God bless,
Ps Jason & Michelle Smith
Senior Pastors
City Church